Capturan en flagrancia a presunto extorsionista que estaba presionando a comerciantes y ganaderos en diferentes municipios del departamento del Meta, el hombre pedía altas sumas de dinero a cambio de dejar trabajar a los comerciantes.
La fiscalía comunicó que un Fiscal de la seccional Meta, judicializó y logró que un juez con funciones de control de garantías, legalizará la captura y dictara medida carcelaria contra Juan David Osorio Gómez, por ser el presunto responsable de ubicar y contactar a campesinos, ganaderos y comerciantes del sector del Ariari en el departamento del Meta, para exigirles importantes sumas de dinero a cambio de dejarlos abrir sus negocios y continuar con sus actividades
Una de las víctimas se acercó a las instalaciones del CTI en Granada (Meta), y denunció las amenazas y exigencias económicas que le hacían, por lo que se le asesoró y se coordinó una entrega controlada del supuesto pago de la extorsión, operativo que permitió la captura en flagrancia de Osorio Gómez.
La captura la hicieron efectiva servidores del CTI de la Fiscalía, con el apoyo del Gaula ejército, se logró incautar un equipo celular y el paquete señuelo que contenía el dinero.
La Fiscalía le imputó el delito de extorsión agravada tentada, cargos que no aceptó el capturado sin embargo la medida carcelaria quedó en firme.
Toplash eyelash growth serum — 3 ml (EU) Nonetheless, customers abound who describe the success of the lash booster. Due to its low price that factored into our ranking system, this serum got away with a “sufficient” rating. However, if you’re looking for a safe bet, then we recommend choosing an eyelash growth serum that occupies one of the top four spots. For example: Our test winner ORPHICA REALASH. Explore popular posts about Lash Serum for Fuller Lashes, liked by 3376 people on Lemon8. Dip the Essential Serum brush into the product and close one eye. Swipe the product directly to your top lash line on clean, dry skin, as though you were applying eyeliner. Switch to the other eye. One dip of the brush into the serum is enough for both eyes. The Essential Serum should be applied each evening on clean, dry skin. Once satisfied with your results, continue to apply the product 2-3 times per week to maintain lashes. We recommend evaluating your results after 12 weeks of use.
A staple in Sephora Collection’s brow arsenal already, the Waterproof Retractable Brow Pencil ($12, Sephora) — with a brand-new component — allows you to precisely fill in brows using the small pencil end on one side and to soften the lines using the spoolie on the other end. Now with 10 shades, the pencil works for a wide range of hair and brow colors and is perfect if you want a full, sharp, yet natural brow look. This product is currently unavailable. Please enter your email below to receive an update once the item is back in stock! The PYT Beauty Brow Goals Pencil ($16) comes in five shades and has an ultrafine tip for drawing on each hair-like stroke. If you’re looking for another great beauty buy, check out this two for the price of one Benefit Cosmetics Brow Gel deal. Waking up early on a chilly morning in Munich, Germany, at the beginning of December, I blindly stumble over to my hotel room’s bathroom counter like a toddler who just learned to walk. I go through the motions of my beauty routine as normal, but I pause when it comes to my brows, staring at the selection of new Sephora Collection brow products sitting before me. Do I lean into a thick, bushy brow? Do I lie to myself and say I’ll go natural with only a few swipes of brow gel, before eventually saying screw it and spending a whole ass 20 minutes shaping one of them like I always do? The possibilities are endless with so many options.