Hace pocas horas se anunció que el próximo lunes 12 de febrero los cuerpos de bomberos de 5 municipios del Meta, recibirán equipos de dotación que facilitarán sus labores, así lo afirmó José Conde, jefe de la delegación departamental de Bomberos del Meta.
Conde, además de ser jefe de la delegación departamental de Bomberos es también comandante del Cuerpo de Bomberos del municipio de Puerto Rico – Meta, mencionó que esta dotación representa una inversión de $1.500 millones de pesos.
Para los municipios de Restrepo y Cumaral se adquirieron equipos que facilitan la respiración de los bomberos mientras combaten los incendios, equipos forestales para San Juan Arama y un equipo de rescate vehicular para Puerto Rico-Meta.El delegado reveló que el municipio de Mesetas es el único Cuerpo de Bomberos del departamento del Meta que no cuenta con un carro Bomberos pero aseguró que ya se está realizando la gestión para adquirir uno.
Understanding human skin is important. Human skin is the largest organ on the body and has many functions, including retention of heat, protection from invaders, blood transportation and more. Relating to permanent cosmetics, there are cells in the skin that literally remove pigment. The skin’s natural healing process is to react to tattooing in general as if there has been an invasion. The skin responds with healing over the implanted pigment creating a temporary “haze” over the pigment. In rare cases, a touch up sooner than planned may be required to achieve the ideal results. Microblading is a 2 step process, usually 6-8 weeks apart. It is important to complete both the initial procedure and touch up. Avoid activities that will cause heavy sweating also try to keep makeup away from the area.
See Store Details The perfect bag to hold all your Glossier products. Always carry your brushes separately from your products. Your brushes are easily the dirtiest thing in your makeup bag and are likely to get your bag grubby quicker, necessitating more frequent washing. While this is fine on more durable materials, if your beauty bag is particularly prone to wear, washing it frequently can make it more susceptible to breaking or tearing. This is the cutest makeup bag ever! It has some pockets on the sides which is super helpful for holding concealers or whatever. Its the perfect size and worth every cent! I am obsessed 🙂 While the other bags on this list are great for storing large amounts of make-up, sometimes all you need is a simple little bag to keep your everyday essentials. Its 10cm x 12cm x 7cm size means it perfectly fits into any small handbags, while the green floral design and cute pink tassels gives it a stylish yet simple look. Despite its small size, it has a little separate pocket sewn in too, enough to fit two small lip balms. It may be pricer than some of our larger bags, but we loved that the quality of the material and zip kept our products safe throughout the day.